
Auto Repair Services in Durham, North Carolina

Your Partner in Car Care – Lonnie’s University Auto Center

Save Money with Maintenance

At Lonnie’s University Auto Center, automotive care begins with vehicle maintenance. Our goal is to help minimize auto repair services for drivers in Durham, NC, which helps save them money and time. Budgeting and making time for simple services like an oil change, tune-up, or tire rotation, go a long way to maintaining the safety and reliability of your vehicle. We train our certified mechanics to spot corrosion, leaks, and damaged parts during a routine inspection. If we spot a red flag during maintenance service, we’ll alert you immediately, answer your questions, and present a car repair plan for your approval. Don’t expect unnecessary auto services and surprise costs at our auto repair shop. We’ve built our reputation for honesty, transparency, and providing quality auto repair services at an affordable price. We’re here to help you save money on car care by following your manufacturer’s recommended vehicle maintenance schedule. Maintaining your vehicle improves fuel efficiency, increases safety, and reduces major repair costs. Depend on us to keep your vehicle road ready.